Survey Says: Top Cult Selector results, Religion Survey
The top 17 Cult Selector results of 13365 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Cult Selector.      

#1 20.8%
Falun Gong
#2 11.6%
The People's Temple
#3 10.1%
ISKCON (Hare Krishna)
#4 9.8%
Church of Christ
#5 9.4%
Blavatsky Foundation
#6 7.0%
Aetherius Society
#7 5.6%
The Discordians
#8 4.6%
Cult of Lord Jesus Christ
#9 4.2%
#10 3.8%
Thelema/Ordo Templi Orientis
#11 3.5%
Order of the Solar Temple
#12 2.7%
Unarius Society
#13 2.6%
Moonies (Unification Church)
#14 1.7%
Friends of Osho
#15 1.0%
#16 0.9%
International Raelian Movement
#17 0.7%
Church of the Subgenius

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