Survey Says: Top DEFINITIVE POLITICAL TEST OF THE PHLEGM SON results, Politics Survey
The top 12 DEFINITIVE POLITICAL TEST OF THE PHLEGM SON results of 126 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for DEFINITIVE POLITICAL TEST OF THE PHLEGM SON.      

#1 18.3%
Nazi/Ayran Nations/KKK (Hitler, Richard Butler)
#2 15.9%
Nationalistic Conservative (Eisenhower, Nixon)
#3 15.9%
Socialist (FDR, LBJ)
#4 11.1%
Libertarian (Bill Maher)
#5 8.7%
Religious Republican (Ashcroft, Bush)
#6 7.9%
Communist/Marxist (Lenin)
#7 7.1%
Extreme Right-Wing (Howard “The Phlegm” Philips)
#8 4.0%
Anarchist (Unabomber)
#9 4.0%
Centrist (Washington, kind of )
#10 4.0%
Liberal (Kerry)
#11 3.2%
Moderate Republican (McCain)
#12 0.0%
Conservative Democrat (Carter, Truman)

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