Survey Says: Top Are you a Hentai freek? results, Role Playing Games Survey
Role Playing Games
The top 4 Are you a Hentai freek? results of 1487 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Are you a Hentai freek?.      

#1 39.3%
You were most likely sicked by this quiz, and will proibly need theorepy now, I am truly sorry, and hope that the following site will help on your road to recovery...
#2 37.4%
Wow, there is no doubting that you are a bonerfied Hentai freek. Here is a link you might enjoy...
#3 23.1%
You are undecided of your future freekiness, and wish to further sort out you details. Here are sites that may help you sort it out.. www.
#4 0.0%
You're not fully blown yet, but in time I believe you could be the biggest Hentai Freek of them all! Here is a site to help you alone your way...

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