Survey Says: Top Which part of Mina are you? results, Personality Survey
PersonalityThe top 8 Which part of Mina are you? results of 36 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which part of Mina are you?.      

#1 69.4%
Total Minami!-You're like a melting pot, you have a bit of everything!
#2 13.9%
Shy Mina!-The side you project to people.You're the nice person who's mislabeled as a snob or poser.
#3 11.1%
Anime Mina!-You use Mina's means of escaping reality through alternate reality, and even have the same bond with certain characters ^_~
#4 2.8%
Mythical Mina!-You're the side of Minami people don't know about (Dont think dirty!!)
#5 2.8%
Writing Mina!-You express yourself in the written word to make a silent impact.
#6 0.0%
Alternate Mina!-You're the total oppositeof me, but we have one common link
#7 0.0%
Mean Mina-You have the side rarely anyone has seen & those who did never tell nice stories. Welcome to my dark side! It's coming to the surface soon!
#8 0.0%
Sweet Sugar Minami!-The side you live on often, like me!! You're the peaceful, happy side. Trying to be optimistic, you try to be everyone's friend and have love fo one & all!

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