Survey Says: Top What kind of person should you marry? results, Love Survey
The top 10 What kind of person should you marry? results of 39994 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What kind of person should you marry?.      

#1 39.8%
The Family Person(3-7 kids)
#2 35.3%
A Sensitive, Caring Person
#3 7.2%
A Natural Leader
#4 7.2%
A Romantic
#5 6.8%
A Nymphomaniac
#6 1.4%
A Party Animal
#7 1.2%
A Rich Snob
#8 0.5%
An Anal Person
#9 0.3%
Someone Who'll Do Whatever You Want
#10 0.2%
An Unemployed Bum

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