Survey Says: Top Which MKG Character Are You Most Like? results, Anime Survey
The top 19 Which MKG Character Are You Most Like? results of 165 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which MKG Character Are You Most Like?.      

#1 14.5%
Leigh Aisling
#2 10.9%
Yuri Fujiiro
#3 10.3%
Amber Souldrake
#4 10.3%
Arya Hanson
#5 6.1%
#6 6.1%
Melody Senard
#7 5.5%
Kaelin MacKenzie Fraser
#8 4.8%
Amarissa Robertson
#9 4.8%
#10 4.2%
Amie Shiratora
#11 3.6%
Ceridwen Terrel
#12 3.6%
Sien Nautic
#13 3.0%
Keira Deventai
#14 3.0%
Sarah Fairchild
#15 3.0%
Takara Ito
#16 2.4%
Jayle Noiya
#17 1.8%
Sakura Mizuya
#18 1.2%
Amy Sakamoto
#19 0.6%
Rhiannon MacDouglas

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