Survey Says: Top Which Jawbreaker Bitch are You results, Movies Survey
MoviesThe top 5 Which Jawbreaker Bitch are You results of 65 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Jawbreaker Bitch are You.      

#1 58.5%
Courtney Shane, you are satin in heels. you rule with terror, and love to tell others what to do.
#2 16.9%
Julie Freeman, cursed to be popular because of your pretty face and because your friends with her, Liz Purr
#3 12.3%
Fern Mayo, you are very unpopular and the popular people mostly Hate you, but you are as sweet as the days are long and should be respected for your kindness and willing to help others/ or Vylette, the new remodeled Fern, you have become a miniature Courtney, and love to be evil.
#4 9.2%
Liz Purr, your beautiful and popular. loved by everyone, you rule with kindness, which Courtney Hates. on your 17 birthday you where or will be accidentally killed by a jawbreaker by three of your popular friends.
#5 3.1%
Marcie Fox, known to yourself as Foxy. your a legend in your own little mind. you follow Courtney everywhere and are the first to do her bidding.

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