Survey Says: Top Which Alfred Hitchcock Movie do you most relate to? results, Movies Survey
The top 13 Which Alfred Hitchcock Movie do you most relate to? results of 435 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Alfred Hitchcock Movie do you most relate to?.      

#1 24.6%
Dial M For Murder - husband blackmails a man into trying to murder his wife
#2 15.9%
Rear Window - man believes he sees a murder through the window
#3 12.6%
North By Northwest - man goes on the run when mistaken for a spy
#4 10.6%
Psycho - lady steals money and meets death at a Motel
#5 6.4%
Rebbecca - lady marries widower and tries to fill the dead wife's shoes
#6 6.0%
Vertigo - former detective keeps tabs on a lady
#7 5.5%
To Catch A Thief - former cat burglar tracks down a thief
#8 5.3%
Notorious - a good spy persuades lady to get inside a Nazi spies home
#9 5.1%
Spellbound - lady falls for man with amnesia
#10 3.7%
Suspicion - odd things happen when gambling playboy marries a beautiful lady
#11 1.8%
The Birds - lady visits coastal town and has bad encounter with birds
#12 1.4%
The Man Who Knew Too Much - vacationing family encounters a murder & kidnapping
#13 1.1%
This is not an answer, I have taken some liberties with the scoring to give each movie a chance

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