Survey Says: Top which YUGIOH monster are yo quiz? 2!!!!!!!!!!! results, Anime Survey
The top 25 which YUGIOH monster are yo quiz? 2!!!!!!!!!!! results of 159 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for which YUGIOH monster are yo quiz? 2!!!!!!!!!!!.      

#1 27.7%
Black Luster Soldier
#2 22.6%
CYBER DRAGON (and other forms)
#3 10.1%
Obelisk, The Tormentor
#4 6.9%
Destiny Heroes
#5 5.0%
Elemental Heroes
#6 4.4%
Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder
#7 4.4%
Ocean Dragon lord Neo Daedalus
#8 2.5%
Behemoth, king of ALL animals
#9 2.5%
Exodia, the forbidden one
#10 2.5%
Infernal Flame Emperor
#11 2.5%
Vehicroids( steamroid E.T.C)
#12 1.9%
Dark Magician and other D.M. forms
#13 1.9%
Super Conductor Tyranno
#14 1.3%
Blue-Eyes White Dragon and other forms
#15 1.3%
Gilford,The lightning/ The legend
#16 1.3%
Tyrant Dragon
#17 0.6%
Exxod, Master of Guard
#18 0.6%
Uria, Lord of Searing Flames
#19 0.0%
Chaos Emperor Dragon
#20 0.0%
#21 0.0%
Raviel, Lord of Phantasms
#22 0.0%
Red-Eyes B. Dragon and other forms
#23 0.0%
Simorgh, Bird of divinity
#24 0.0%
Slifer The Sky Dragon
#25 0.0%
The Winged Dragon of Ra

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