#1 | 33.7%
| Sabre line member- elegant, graceful, and a diva-complex the size of Mexico | |
#2 | 26.2%
| Instructor- you are either a compassionate, competent instrumental part of a program or a wind-up clapping monkey. You know which. | |
#3 | 17.5%
| Flag line member-elthough you work less than the other lines, you still give more GE. Kick ass! | |
#4 | 7.1%
| Dance line- you are pretty, you are diva, you are scared shitless of things whooshing by your head | |
#5 | 4.5%
| Groupie/tech crew- there for the girls, and who can blame you | |
#6 | 4.2%
| Show designer- You are filled with crazy creative urges. And you have great shoes. | |
#7 | 3.5%
| Judge-you take joy in criticizing others and sounding like you know what you're talking about | |
#8 | 3.5%
| Rifle line member- driven and masochistic. But we love you anyway. | |