Survey Says: Top Revolutionary Aspirations results, Politics Survey
The top 6 Revolutionary Aspirations results of 126 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Revolutionary Aspirations .      

#1 50.8%
WORKER – You are a worker of the world. It is people like you that the capitalist imperialists depend on to survive. Break your chains and JOIN THE REVOLUTION!
#2 38.1%
Revolutionary – The people of the world need you NOW more than ever, in their greatest time of need. JOIN THE REVOLUTION TODAY COMRADE!
#3 6.3%
MISGUIDED PAWN – You are a pawn in the Imperialists game. You are unknowingly backbone of the capitalists control over the masses of the world. You may be a typist or any sort of western desk worker but you are still a worker and we hope that you will see past the lies and deception that the imperialists have veiled over you and JOIN THE REVOLUTION.
#4 2.4%
CAPITALIST PIG-DOG – your days of oppression and tyranny will soon becoming to an end. The peoples of the world will rise up around you and will be saved from you and your evil. VIVE LA REVOLUTION!
#5 1.6%
CONSUMER – You are the western consumer that the imperialist corporations feed upon for their capital. Open your eyes to the suffering of the billions around the world and JOIN THE REVOLUTION!
#6 0.8%
UNSURE SEEKER – You are like many who are not a true consumer yet unsure of what you believe in or of what you can do. Well it is not what you can do but what must be done, to save humanity from the capitalist imperialists who have proceeded to starve, kill, and enslave across the globe in the name of capital. We STRONGLY urge you to listen to what we have to say and we hope that you will make the right choice and JOIN THE REVOLUTION.

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