Survey Says: Top Which character is best fit to you in Senkaiden Hoshin Engi (Soul Hunter)? results, Anime Survey
The top 24 Which character is best fit to you in Senkaiden Hoshin Engi (Soul Hunter)? results of 518 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which character is best fit to you in Senkaiden Hoshin Engi (Soul Hunter)?.      

#1 30.3%
You are Taikoubou
#2 12.2%
You are Tenka
#3 10.2%
You are Supu
#4 4.8%
You are Raishinshi
#5 4.2%
You are Dakki
#6 2.1%
You are Nataku
#7 1.9%
#8 1.9%
#9 1.9%
#10 1.9%
#11 1.9%
#12 1.9%
#13 1.9%
#14 1.9%
#15 1.9%
#16 1.9%
#17 1.9%
#18 1.9%
#19 1.9%
#20 1.9%
#21 1.9%
#22 1.9%
#23 1.9%
#24 1.4%
You are Sinkouyou

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