Survey Says: Top What Nordic deity is your patron? results, Religion Survey
The top 25 What Nordic deity is your patron? results of 1432 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Nordic deity is your patron?.      

#1 35.3%
Holda - Goddess of Winter, Children and Spinning
#2 13.8%
Thor - God of Thunder and Protection
#3 12.2%
Forseti - God of Justice
#4 11.5%
Odin - God of Wisdom and Magic
#5 6.0%
Frigga - Goddess of Motherhood and Home
#6 4.1%
Tyr - God of War and Victory
#7 2.5%
Freya - Goddess of Love, Fertility and Magic
#8 2.0%
Aegir - God of the Sea
#9 1.9%
Heimdall - God of Heaven
#10 1.8%
Nerthus - Earth Goddess
#11 1.5%
Njord - God of the Seashore and Wealth
#12 1.3%
Hel - Goddess of the Underworld
#13 1.0%
Braggi - God of Poetry
#14 1.0%
Sunna - Goddess of the Sun
#15 0.6%
Skadi - Goddess of Mountains and Skiing
#16 0.6%
Frey - God of Fertility and Wealth
#17 0.6%
Loki - God of Trickery
#18 0.5%
Ran - God of the Deep Sea and Sailors
#19 0.5%
Sif - Goddess of Kinship and Peace weaving
#20 0.4%
Mani - God of the Moon
#21 0.4%
Ullr - God of Hunting
#22 0.4%
Weyland - God of Smiths
#23 0.1%
Eostre - Goddess of spring
#24 0.1%
Norns - Goddesses of Destiny
#25 0.0%
Idunna - Goddess of Youth and Innocence

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