Survey Says: Top Do You Have A Mental Illness? results, Humor Survey
The top 14 Do You Have A Mental Illness? results of 16401 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Do You Have A Mental Illness?.      

#1 43.8%
Schizophrenia: "Initial symptoms may include delusions and hallucinations, disorganized behavior and/or speech. As the disorder progresses symptoms such as flattening or inappropriate affect may develop." (DSM IV)
#2 23.5%
Antisocial Personality Disorder: "Symptoms include longstanding pattern of disregard for rights of others, failure to conform to norms and expectations of society, irritability, physical aggression. Patients often get in trouble with the law." (DSM IV)
#3 17.5%
Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depression): "Bipolar I involves episodes of extreme mania followed by depression. Patients experience and intense high while manic. Bipolar II is the same as Bipolar I except manic episodes of Bipolar I patients are 'hypomanic' meaning they are less severe than those of Bipolar II." (DSM IV)
#4 9.3%
Narcissistic Personality Disorder: "Symptoms revolve around the pattern of need for admiration and sense of entitlement. Patients require a lot of praise and feel they are superior to everyone else. They can only associate with others like themselves." (DSM IV)
#5 1.7%
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): "The key features of this disorder include obsessions (persistent, often irrational, and seemingly uncontrollable thoughts) and compulsions (actions which are used to neutralize the obsessions). Over washing ones hands can be considered obsessive compulsive." (DSM IV)
#6 1.0%
Dissociative Identity Disorder: "Symptoms include multiple distinct personalities existing within a individual." (DSM IV)
#7 0.9%
Primary Insomnia: "Symptoms include the inability to fall asleep, difficulty falling or remaining asleep for a period of no less than a month." (DSM IV)
#8 0.5%
Gender Identity Disorder: "Strong and persistent identification with the opposite gender. Patients often feel as though they were born in the wrong bodies." (DSM IV)
#9 0.5%
Social Phobia: "Symptoms include either extreme anxiety and or fear associated with the judgement of self by others." (DSM IV)
#10 0.5%
Depersonalization Disorder: "Symptoms include being in a dreamlike state and feeling as though your body does not belong to you. It is a feeling of unreality." (DSM IV)
#11 0.3%
Pathological Gambling Disorder: "Persistent and maladaptive gambling, which affects how one functions." (DSM IV)
#12 0.3%
Without Mental Illness: "Sound in mind; free from mental disturbances."
#13 0.2%
Substance Disorder: "A pattern of substance use leading to significant impairment in functioning. recurrent use resulting in a failure to fulfill major obligations at work, school, or home; recurrent use in situations which are physically hazardous (drinking and driving)." (DSM IV)
#14 0.0%
Transvestic Fetishism: "Symptoms include being a heterosexual male wanting and craving to wear women's clothing (cross-dressing)." (DSM IV)

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