Survey Says: Top 2008 Presidential/Vice Presidential Candidate Selector results, Politics Survey
The top 9 2008 Presidential/Vice Presidential Candidate Selector results of 8239 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for 2008 Presidential/Vice Presidential Candidate Selector.      

#1 28.0%
Joe Biden, Democrat
#2 21.4%
Cynthia McKinney, Green
#3 18.4%
Barack Obama, Democrat
#4 10.6%
Ralph Nader, Independent
#5 6.0%
John McCain, Republican
#6 5.4%
Bob Barr, Libertarian
#7 3.7%
Chuck Baldwin, Constitutional
#8 3.6%
Sarah Palin, Republican
#9 2.8%
Ron Paul, Independent (ran as Republican in presidential primaries)

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