Survey Says: Top Ultimate Tekken Character Embodiment results, Video Games Survey
Video Games
The top 25 Ultimate Tekken Character Embodiment results of 56 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Ultimate Tekken Character Embodiment.      

#1 25.0%
Kazuya Mishima
#2 16.1%
Anna Williams
#3 12.5%
Asuka Kazama
#4 8.9%
#5 7.1%
Michelle Chang
#6 5.4%
#7 3.6%
Heihachi Mishima
#8 3.6%
#9 3.6%
Kazumi Mishima
#10 3.6%
Lee Chaolan
#11 1.8%
Armor King
#12 1.8%
Christie Monteiro
#13 1.8%
Jin Kazama
#14 1.8%
Julia Chang
#15 1.8%
Ling Xiaoyu
#16 1.8%
Marshall Law
#17 0.0%
Bruce Irwin
#18 0.0%
Bryan Fury
#19 0.0%
Craig Marduk
#20 0.0%
Eddy Gordo
#21 0.0%
Jun Kazama
#22 0.0%
#23 0.0%
Lei Wulong
#24 0.0%
Nina Williams
#25 0.0%
Paul Phoenix

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