Anime Poll: Inu Yasha/Japanese name that fits your personality! Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Anime Poll: Inu Yasha/Japanese name that fits your personality! Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
AnimeAnime Poll: Inu Yasha/Japanese name that fits your personality!
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Inu Yasha/Japanese name that fits your personality!" by Usagi.

Choose from this list:

[girl] Ryoko [boy] Ryouga

[boy] Jaken [girl] Ribbit. You live in magical frog land

[girl] Ayumi [boy] Banski

[boy] Miroku [girl] Naomi

[girl] Usagi [boy] Senoske

[boy] Shippo [girl] Shippou

[girl] Kagura [boy] Koga

[boy] Kenti (itnek) [girl] Sango

[girl] Mitsuki [boy] Koji

[boy] Naraku [girl] Kikyou

[girl] Chika [boy] Chiko

[boy] Myouga [girl] Akane

[girl] Usagi [boy] Miroku

[boy] Yuzuki [girl] Ryouka

[girl] Tana [boy] Eleven-chan

[boy] Wada [girl] Rumiko

[girl] Kirara [boy] Dubi

[boy] Kohaku [girl] Yura

[girl] Seiyo [boy] Hiten

[boy] Takaso [girl] Takasa

[girl] Mari [boy] Manten

[boy] Guregu [girl] Ami

[girl] Kagome [boy] Souta

[boy] Shingo [girl] Rei

[girl] Hotoko [boy] Mamoru


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