Anime Poll: What famous RPG character you're most like Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Anime Poll: What famous RPG character you're most like Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
AnimeAnime Poll: What famous RPG character you're most like
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "What famous RPG character you're most like" by Xenochick.

Choose from this list:

Cloud- FF7

Fei- Xenogears

Krelian- Xenogears

Aeris- FF7

Tifa- FF7

Celes- FF6

Locke- FF6

Elly- Xenogears

Ryudo- Grandia II

Millenia- Grandia II

Kain- FF4

Vivi- FF9

Leo- Lunar 2: EB

Zidane- FF9

Squall- FF8

Laguna- FF8

Selphie- FF8

Bart- Xenogears

Citan Uzuki- Xenogears

Ryu- Breath of Fire

Sephiroth- FF7

Rose- The Legend of Dragoon

Lucca- Chrono Trigger

Cid- FF(pick one)

Cecil- FF4


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