Music Poll: WHICH SAVES THE DAY SONG ARE YOU?? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Music Poll: WHICH SAVES THE DAY SONG ARE YOU?? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Music Poll:
WHICH SAVES THE DAY SONG ARE YOU?? Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "WHICH SAVES THE DAY SONG ARE YOU??" by MARY. Translate:
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All Star Me>>Youre generally pretty cool but you dont make sense sometimes
You Vandal>>youre just kinda mean
Shoulder To The Wheel>> beep beep!
Rocks Tonic Juice Magnet>>you kick ass! No matter what they say! Youre awesome and youre probably about as cool as they come!
Holly Hox, Forget Me Nots>>youre a poor unfortunate soul
Third Engine>>you are a sex machine!
My Sweet Fracture>>you are way fun!
The Vast Spoils of America>>youre sorda a teenie bopper
The Last Lie I Told>>youre very special and snazzy
Do You Know What I Love The Most?>>you are super cool and youre gonna rule the world! But youre also slightly different from everyone else but in a good way because this song rocks!
Through Being Cool>>youre a dork, which isnt neccessarily a bad thing so dont get all pissy because....just dont
Banned From The Back Porch>> This is probably my least favorite song on the cd, i dunno why its just not as fun as the others but uh.. yeha im sure youre pretty cool!