Final Fantasy Poll: Final Fantasy Eight Selector Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Final Fantasy Poll: Final Fantasy Eight Selector Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
graphFinal FantasyFinal Fantasy Poll: Final Fantasy Eight Selector
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Final Fantasy Eight Selector " by cHELSEA cOURVILLE.

Choose from this list:

Cid Kramer-You just want o helpevery one and appear cheerful even when your not

Edea Kramer-You feel very powerful and enjoy to take care of others

Elone Loire-Trying to be kind is hard when everyone wants a bit of power over you

Fujin-You are at your best to KILL

Irvine Kinneas-You are at most times a very happy and sweet person

Kiros Seagill-You feel the need to cur although deep down you are a true softy


Quistis Trepe-You are easily instructed and make life fun

Rajin-You feel the need to be unkind at diffrent occassions

Rinoa Heartilly-You enjoy life to its fullist at times but at others tresspassers BEWARE

Seifer Almassy-You seek for power and revenge

Selphie Tilmett-You look helpless but deep down your not all that cute

Squall Leonhart-you are shy and very strong in diffrent fields

Ward Zabec-you like to fight down and dirty

Zell Dinch-You are vey active and enjoy life


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