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(2.09 Stars)
With a rating of 2.09 from 106 votes...
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Rating Score: 5 (See2 LionDog13's top result and/or comment posted 302 days ago.)
Member Comment I am not sure what tv shows have to do with politics.. lol I mean, I know there are stereotypical shows certain people watch.. but I don\'t watch any of the shows on the list.. and I don\'t avoid actors because of ideology.. if I did, I wouldn\'t watch anything, since I don\'t agree with any party on most things. (See2 heartsstarspll's top result and/or comment posted over 8 years ago.)
Member Comment This is a really terrible quiz. I got Dem 100% the first time I took it because apparently I like kindess & fairness. I\'m a Rep. I took it again changing kindness & fairness to not important and I got 100% rep. what biased liberal made this garbage poll? (See2 Mac's top result and/or comment posted over 8 years ago.)
Rating Score: 0 (See2 Mac's top result and/or comment posted over 8 years ago.)
Rating Score: 4 (See2 PiltdownMike's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Rating Score: 4 ya darn right. trying to find perfect Democrats though. Right now, they are more humane (2008-2016 President years). lol (See2 teetee's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)