Which Pagan Path Do You Follow? rating & comments page
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With a rating of 4.06 from 373 votes... 130226 individuals used this yes/no selector which was created January 2000
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Rating Score: 5 (See1 heartsstarspll's top result and/or comment posted over 8 years ago.)
Member Comment COOL! But the Egyptian tradition is more tied to magic than the Greek ones. 1Druid (100%) 2.(Neo)Shaman (75%) 3.Greek (50%) 4.Thelema (50%) 5.Wiccan (50%) 6.Egyptian (25%) 7.Asatru (0%) 8.Orisha (0%) . (See1 Flyer82's top result and/or comment posted over 9 years ago.)
Rating Score: 3 The quiz can be a bit vague, and not well understood by people who aren't pagan already, or who do not understand pagan terms (See1 Parishka's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 (See1 Vampireica's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 (See1 Flyer82's top result and/or comment posted over 11 years ago.)
Member Comment let's spin back to Celtic Europe and find my royal ancestors ;p (See1 Aurora Daniella's top result and/or comment posted over 11 years ago.)