Are you an Adult Indigo? -the Adult counterpart of the Indigo Child rating & comments page
(4.62 Stars)
With a rating of 4.62 from 1041 votes... 155893 individuals used this yes/no selector which was created August 2007
Visit Are you an Adult Indigo? -the Adult counterpart of the Indigo Child. Your rating and comments will appear here.
Member Comment you will die_until you think the eternite life. (See1 Abrham's top result and/or comment posted over 8 years ago.)
Member Comment the questions described me perfectly, I've always thought I. was an indigo could (See1 stringseer707's top result and/or comment posted over 8 years ago.)
Member Comment I was just being truthful (See1 misty dawn's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 (See1 misty dawn's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 (See1 TWILIGHTSILVER's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 (See1 hendra gunawan's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 (See1 wen's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 perfect test! (See1 vio2812's top result and/or comment posted over 10 years ago.)
Member Comment im surpirsed but then im not am i ah ah (See1 jean's top result and/or comment posted over 11 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 (See1 mikey2026's top result and/or comment posted over 11 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 (See1 LadyLaveau's top result and/or comment posted over 11 years ago.)
Rating Score: 5 (See1 bibi420's top result and/or comment posted over 12 years ago.)