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Which Elliptical Machine Is Right For Me?
Elliptical trainers allow for an intense workout SelectSmart.com without the jarring and impact you get running. They offer the smoothness of the bike, but with the benefits of weight bearing and involvement of the arms (and without the sore bottom). Nothing else can elevate your heart rate so well with so little discomfort and so little punishment to your body. Even if you are experienced with other cardio methods, you may be shocked when you see how well your heart rate gets elevated on an elliptical with what seems like so little effort.

Your first question is below.


1. How much are you willing to shell out for your elliptical machine?
A higher price. You could pay more than $3500.
A medium price.
A lower price. Prices start at $650.
No preference

Prioritize your choice above:

Low Priority High Priority

2. How big an elliptical machine do you want? The biggest machines are more than 50% larger than the smallest.
A larger footprint. Similar in size to those found in fitness centers.
A smaller footprint. A consideration if room is limited.
No preference

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Low Priority High Priority

3. What is your preference for the weight of the machine?
Heavier. The heaviest elliptical is 500 pounds.
Lighter. The lightest elliptical is 128 pounds.
No preference

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4. Stride length settings. Adjustable stride length allows you vary the length for workout variety. Good for multi-user households
Yes, I would prefer variable, multiple stride length settings.
No preference

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5. Resistance settings. Resistance adjustments can provide the user with a more challenging workout.
Yes, I would prefer variable, multiple resistance settings.
No preference

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Low Priority High Priority

6. Variable inclines. Change your "terrain" as you work out.
Yes, I would prefer variable, incline settings.
No preference

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Low Priority High Priority

7. Heart Monitor
Yes, I would prefer a built in heart monitor.
No preference

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8. Reading rack
Yes, I would prefer a built in rack for magazines, books and electronic tablet sized devices
No preference

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