Survey Says: Top Which guy who has a crush on Therese are you? results, Career Survey
The top 4 Which guy who has a crush on Therese are you? results of 80 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which guy who has a crush on Therese are you?.      

#1 40.0%
Keith - a tad older than Therese. Her current boyfriend
#2 30.0%
Durga - the Nepali ITS worker. In his pot-smoking haze, he's MADLY in love with Therese.
#3 12.5%
Terence - an old "aquainance" of Therese's. He cares for her, but it never worked in his favor.
#4 6.3%
Tony - A fellow ITS employee. I'm clueless on this one.

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