Survey Says: Top What kind of Green are you? results, Politics Survey
The top 20 What kind of Green are you? results of 2815 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What kind of Green are you?.      

#1 30.3%
Deep green socialism - Environmental degradation and capitalist exploitation are two sides of the same coin. Private ownership of the means of production must be abolished to protect the working class and the environment. The latter is the most important thing.
#2 13.8%
Eco-socialism - Capitalism is harmful to the environment and to the working class. The environment must be protected so the working class can succeed. But environmental protection is not an end in itself.
#3 9.2%
Deep green liberalism - Protecting the environment is essential to liberty - including non-human liberty.
#4 7.6%
Centrist ecologism - Environmental protection is important, but shouldn't be an end in itself.
#5 5.8%
Anti-green conservatism - Environmentalism is an affront to traditional values and an unnecessary fetter on the free market.
#6 4.7%
Anti-green libertarianism - Environmental protection is unnecessary statist intervention in the free market, and is not the duty of a minimal state.
#7 3.7%
Green liberalism - Protecting the environment is very important to human liberty, but should be part of a capitalist system. Perhaps a green tax shift is necessary.
#8 3.1%
Deep green libertarianism - The destabilization of the environment is a violation of the non-aggression principle. All should be protected, including animals, but a capitalist system and a minimal state are the best ways to do so.
#9 2.8%
Green conservatism - The government should protect traditional values and promote capitalism, but environmental protection is necessary for prosperity.
#10 2.7%
Deep ecologism - The environment is central, and systems around it (like capitalism and socialism) are harmful distractions.
#11 2.7%
Anti-green socialism - While capitalism is harmful to the working class, environmental concerns are false or exaggerated, or perhaps capitalist lies.
#12 2.6%
Anti-green liberalism - Environmentalism is an enemy of human liberty.
#13 2.5%
Anti-green anarchism - While the state is oppressive, environmentalism is unnecessary or false.
#14 2.4%
Green libertarianism - Environmental destabilization is an initiation of force, and thus the environment should be protected. It should, however, be protected just through property rights, and its protection should not be an end in itself.
#15 1.8%
Deep green conservatism - Traditional values - such as free enterprise, family, and traditional marriage - have to be protected, but so should the environment, as it is extremely important and conservation should be a central part of conservatism.
#16 1.2%
Anti-green feminism - Feminism has to advance further, but environmentalism is unimportant or false.
#17 1.1%
Deep green feminism - Environmental degradation and patriarchial oppression are linked, and both have to stop. The environment is the most important thing.
#18 1.0%
Eco-feminism - The environment and feminism are linked. Both have to become more important.
#19 0.6%
Green anarchism - The state is a huge polluter and should be abolished.
#20 0.4%
Deep green anarchism (anarcho-primitivism) - The state, technology, and civilization are all harmful, and the environment has to be restored.

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