Survey Says: Top Which Career Is In Your Future? results, Weird Survey
The top 7 Which Career Is In Your Future? results of 37 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Career Is In Your Future?.      

#1 54.1%
You're destined to be a politician- learn some big words now.
#2 45.9%
You're destined to be a Hollywood starlet- begin dating six different people NOW!
#3 0.0%
You're destined to be a computer geek- HTML may be your only friend, but at least you'll be filthy rich someday!
#4 0.0%
You're destined to be a little of everything... and that's what scares me.
#5 0.0%
You're destined to be a mental case. Enough said.
#6 0.0%
You're destined to be a rock star- dye your hair abnormal colors and start wailing.
#7 0.0%
You're destined to be a supermodel- practice walking in five-inch heels with a book on your head every day.

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