Survey Says: Top Which Northern Exposure character are you? results, Television Survey
The top 9 Which Northern Exposure character are you? results of 440 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Northern Exposure character are you?.      

#1 51.8%
Chris Stevens- You are philosophical and artistic. You see several sides of any issue
#2 12.7%
Ed Chigliak- You are creative,kind-hearted and a man of many talents.
#3 9.8%
Holling Vincouer- You are a tough on the outside but a romantic at heart.
#4 9.8%
Ruth Ann Miller- A homey and simple person at first glance, but you have a wild side
#5 6.4%
Dr. Joel Fleischmann- You are arrogant and close minded but capable of redemption.
#6 5.9%
Maggie O'Connell- You are truly a free spirit and you don't take no abuse from nobody
#7 1.8%
Shelly Tambo- Not the brightest of folk, but the prettiest
#8 1.1%
Marilyn Whirlwind- Stoic, calm, silent
#9 0.7%
Maurice Minnefield- You are pure evil. Greedy, bigoted and fascistic

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