Survey Says: Top Travel Type results, Travel Survey
The top 8 Travel Type results of 184 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Travel Type.      

#1 32.6%
Magellan. Interested in travel for travel's sake - has it in his blood. The world is his oyster, and he's a romantic at heart.
#2 16.3%
James Cook (he of seafaring and syphilis fame). A horndog Magellan. Interested in travel for travel's sake, but also interested in spreading his seed far and wide.
#3 13.0%
Original Dickie Doo. Sees travel as the means to the ends of sex. And prefers hassle-free vacations in well-known locales to exploring the world.
#4 11.4%
Globo-Doo. A worldly Dickie Doo. Still a horndog at heart, but prefers globetrotting to holidaying in a specific destination.
#5 9.2%
Don Juan. A worldly Richard E. Doo. Global romance is his game. Has women in every port.
#6 7.1%
A monger-oriented country-phile. Devoted to a particular country or culture, with a penchant for mongering.
#7 7.1%
A romance-oriented country-phile. Devoted to a particular country or culture, with a penchant for romance.
#8 3.3%
Richard E. Doo. A slightly classier version of Dickie. Sees travel as the means for romancing women. Prefers hassle-free vacations in well-known locales to exploring the world.

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