Survey Says: Top What is your approach to love? results, Love Survey
The top 6 What is your approach to love? results of 328 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What is your approach to love?.      

#1 47.0%
Friends First - This is a pretty good approach. In my opinion, to stay with someone, you have to be able to talk to them, so you need to be friends first. This should be a nice healthy relationship.
#2 29.6%
Take it Slow - You've got it made. You want a perfectly healthy relationship, and you have a lot of common sense. Don't change anything, because you're right where you should be.
#3 10.7%
Just Wait For The "Right One" - You like to just watch and wait, thinking the 'right one' is out there somewhere. My advice: get off your butt and take matters into your own hands. You can't trust to luck, it's not always on your side. Just trust your own judgement, and don't be shy. Go for it!
#4 8.2%
Romantic - You are the one who wants to get swept off their feet. You love deeply, and often rush into things. You live for the moment, but remember, don't let a pretty face and smooth talking make things move too fast. Try and slow it down a little, and try to take a more objective approach to things.
#5 3.4%
Hot and Steamy - What can I say? You love sex. You don't usually care who it's with, as long as you get it. But remember, this sort of lifestyle often leads to heartbreak. Try not to take advantage of people, and stick with one person if you can.
#6 1.2%
Pervert - You're just sick. You seriously need to change your lifestyle. Stop preying on people, it's gross.

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