Survey Says: Top Which Ancient Egyptian God/Goddess do you resemble? results, Mythology Survey
The top 15 Which Ancient Egyptian God/Goddess do you resemble? results of 41 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Ancient Egyptian God/Goddess do you resemble?.      

#1 39.0%
Anubis the god of death
#2 24.4%
Bast the goddess of cats
#3 12.2%
Hathor the cow goddess
#4 7.3%
Nut the god of the sky
#5 4.9%
Horus the falcon god
#6 4.9%
Isis the goddess of life, winds, heavens, magic and beer
#7 2.4%
Geb the god of earth
#8 2.4%
Sekhmet the goddess of war, vengeance, healing and medicine
#9 2.4%
Thoth the god of knowledge and wisdom
#10 0.0%
Bes the protector god
#11 0.0%
Nephthys the goddess of death and women
#12 0.0%
Ra (Amun Ra) the king of the gods and the sun god
#13 0.0%
Set the god of evil, chaos, war, magic, storms, deserts and foreign lands
#14 0.0%
Shu the god of the air
#15 0.0%
Sobek the god of crocodiles

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