Survey Says: Top Who is your inner Star Trek persona? results, Star Trek Survey
Star Trek
The top 10 Who is your inner Star Trek persona? results of 200 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Who is your inner Star Trek persona?.      

#1 18.5%
William Riker
#2 17.5%
Ensign Ro Laren
#3 15.0%
Katherine Pulaski
#4 11.0%
Deanna Troi
#5 10.0%
Jean Luc Picard
#6 9.5%
#7 8.0%
Beverly Crusher
#8 4.0%
Expendable Crewman
#9 4.0%
No one- I never should have taken this quiz!
#10 2.5%

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