Survey Says: Top LOTR class selector results, Movies Survey
The top 10 LOTR class selector results of 9889 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for LOTR class selector.      

#1 4.9%
#2 4.9%
#3 4.9%
#4 4.9%
#5 2.5%
Maiar or high elven healer/wizard (I.E. Gandalf, Elrond, Rhadaghast)
#6 1.8%
Honorable warrior (Guardsman of minas Tirith, Sindar elf archer, dwarven axeman)
#7 1.1%
Rider of Rohan / noble rogue(Eomer)
#8 1.0%
Maiar /elven sorceror (Saruman, Sauron, Galadriel)
#9 0.4%
Ranger (Aragorn)
#10 0.1%
Mercenary warrior/ backstabbing rogue (orcish soldier,Grima wormtongue

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