Survey Says: Top Merlin (BBC): Which Character Are You? results, Television Survey
The top 6 Merlin (BBC): Which Character Are You? results of 4704 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Merlin (BBC): Which Character Are You?.      

#1 40.8%
Gwen - ''Guinevere'' - Although though you weren't dealt the best hand in life, you never complain. You always see the best in people and fall in love easily. You need to decide where your heart truly lies. (pssst, it's with Arthur).
#2 24.1%
Arthur Pendragon - ''The Once and Future King'' - Although you sometimes come across as arrogant, you do not let your pride affect your ability to rule. Equal rights for every man!
#3 14.8%
Morgana - ''Morgan Le Fay'' - You are denying your true self because you fear what people would do if they knew the real you. Be careful, this could push you down a dark and dangerous road. Don't have too many nightmares about this result!
#4 7.7%
Merlin - Your great deeds are often overlooked, but you don't mind, as long as everybody is safe. You are destined to become a legend one day. In the meantime, remember not to call your master a ''clotpole'' again!
#5 6.5%
Uther Pendragon - You fear the things you cannot understand, because you have suffered a great loss. Your heart is encased in stone. Remember who your true friends are, and get yourself some troll lovin'.
#6 6.1%
Gaius! - You grumpy old man! Just kidding, but people often think that about you before they get to know you. At heart, you are a kind person, willing to go to great lengths to protect the people you love.

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