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A Flowchart by fartface19
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Lord Syron's ancestors kicked Malkallam out of Castle Macindaw.
Malkallam retreated onto the forest and put a curse on Lord Syron's family.

Malkallam had strange healing abilities, which lead everyone to believe that he was a sorcerer.
Lord Syron at Castle Macindaw is sick, because his ancestors got a curse from the sorcerer Malkallam.
Malkallam got angry and started scaring anyone that went into Grimsdell Wood away.

Malkallam never explained his ways of healing people, so no one knew what he was doing, so they called him a sorcerer.
Since Malkallam never explained his ways, he was sent into Grimsell Wood. He decided to live in the forest so he wouldn't have to see anyone again.