JournalismThe Telegraph
A Flowchart by Irina Contreras
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This flowchart is designed to help guide writers through all the steps of an article.

I have an idea for an article!

I will make an outline for my article. This will be turned in and I will wait for comments.

I have implemented my comments and will now create a rough draft.

The rough draft will be edited for its content.

Emma uploads it to Wordpress. This draft becomes a Pending Draft at first awaiting copyediting.

The draft is copyedited. If any major changes have been made, original writers should be asked and notified!

Taylor and Ariel do one more edit in preview to see if title is correct, fonts, spaces between words/letters are consistent. This draft should also be compared with what is on Telegraph Style Sheet for consistency. Final draft is approved and put up on site. Marketing should also be connected so that they can advertise as they see fit.