GovernmentBills Are Introduced
A Flowchart by Sammi
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A problem/concern is brought up by a representative or citizen, and brought to the legislator.
It is referred to the Committee for a hearing.
Committee studies a bill and may hold public hearing.
They decide if it passes(yes) or decline it(no)



The bill goes through the same procedure through this house as it did the last.
Then the bill is subject to debate and amendment before being placed on the third reading calendar for final passage.
Then it is read in an open session of the House or the Senate, and bill is referred to Rules Committee.
Then that bill is not going to move on to the next house.

If amendments are made, then the first house must approve first.
Once the bill is agreed on by both houses, it is signed by respective leaders and sent to the governor.
The governor may sign the bill(yes) or veto all of it or parts (no). However, the legislative branch can override the veto.
The legislature may override the veto, which would cancel it and keep the bill going.
The bill becomes a law.



No amendment is made.
The bill becomes a law.