A Flowchart by dodobeaid
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its about dairy and I need to put info on a flow chart

the cows eat the grass
the cow jumps over the moon
the cows are singing with the pigs
the cows get turned into a cheese burger

the cows are milked
the cow falls and dies
the cows and pigs get shot because the farmer thinks they're crazy
they get eaten

the cows have a nap
the the truck arrives at the farm
the cows have a funeral
it ends

the cows are still sleeping
the world explodes
the milk gets pumped into a truck
the milk is taken to the factory

more cows have funerals
another cow tries to jump the moon
the milk is split into silos
the milk is made into cheese butter cream and so on....

the items are packed on the shelf
the items are taken to the store
the items are packed
the cows have a party

a honkely donkely visits the cows
the items are sold
the items are taken to your house
the items are spread on your toast drank in a glass or spread on your waffles and then they are eaten