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Most cases of ED are caused by physical problems alone or in combination with emotional ones.

Just about any medical condition that affects your nerves or blood vessels could hurt your ability to have erections. High blood pressure, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, and diabetes can all lead to ED. In fact, over 50% of men with diabetes find themselves in that situation.

Hormonal issues such as low testosterone levels can also factor in, more often for older men. Prostate cancer treatments including surgery and radiation may be the culprit.

DISCLAIMER: This information is not intended to diagnose health problems or to take the place of medical advice or care you receive from your physician or other healthcare provider. Always consult your healthcare provider about your medications, symptoms, and health problems.
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Heart disease
Clogged blood vessels (atherosclerosis)
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
Metabolic syndrome - a condition involving increased blood pressure, high insulin levels, body fat around the waist and high cholesterol
Parkinson's disease
Multiple sclerosis
Certain prescription medications
Tobacco use
Peyronie's disease - development of scar tissue inside the penis
Alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse
Sleep disorders
Treatments for prostate cancer or enlarged prostate
Surgeries or injuries that affect the pelvic area or spinal cord

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