D. Weber, Reform Party

George D. Weber Website

    All information provided by the candidate.
  • Abortion: Long activity in Pro-Life movement. Even as a hunter, I would not shoot a rabbit in a bunk. I would strive for stronger punishment for statutory rape which results in pregnacy, using this as a prevention for the need for abortion.
  • Affirmative Action: In my personal message, "To combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses" means I would work for justice without affirmative action measures.
  • Campaign Finance: We should seek to increase citizen participation in political office by working for term limits and campaign finance reform. We need to reform our electoral, lobbying and campaign practices to guide the interest toward the allegiance of the people they serve rather than hard or sot money sources. In this end, I am working my campaign without the need for outside assistance.
  • Crime: No one else in any party has spent as much time in Prison as I. I located a major state prison in my home area, won high honors as a VISTA Volunteer in Corrections activities there and retired as a Missouyri State Corrections Officer. This ten years of in hand experience is unique among all candidates.
  • Defense Spending: Should be tied to Foriegn Policy, but not be solely dictated by executive decision of the President. This should be determined by the President and Congress jointly. The US ahould not be looked on as the 'policeman' of the world, but as aan example of democracy at its best. We should be prepared however, that when action is deemed necessay, it must be decisive, not just politically correct.
  • Drug Policy: I live adjacent to Interstate 44 which seems to be the pipeline for moving drugs from the border to the East. We should have better control of our borders to cut off the pipeline early.
  • Homosexual Issues: Have no real position except from an ethical or moral standpoint. As a food producer, it just seems there are better sources of protein than human seman.
  • Education money: I would hope we could obtain quality education with the funds available now. I live in a rapidly growing area and we seem to be keeping up with the growth using current potentials. I do not look with favor on busing, rather see the transportation money be used to improve neighborhood schools
  • Environment: The earth as we know it will not last forever, I would encourage nations across the world to move toward clean air and production, as well as, enhance the current standardsof the US. I would not be so stringent as to cut off our ability to feed and clothe ourselves.
  • Evolution: I am a Creationist, but I do not object to the teaching of evolution theory.
  • Foriegn Policy: This came under defense also, but I would add that while the US is known as the melting pot of the world and this diversity is good, we should start to limit legal immigration. We should hold our borders against illegal immigration.
  • Gun Control: I feel we have enough laws on the books. We need to enforce current law and make parents more responsible for in-home firearms.
  • Health Care: I am a member of an HMO and find that I can deal with my coverage with the threat of legal action. I cannot feel that if individuals destroy their health through living habits that are detrimental I don't think that society should be expected to pick up the tab for them. Live healthy.
  • Moral Issues: We should require the highest level of ethical conduct by all our government officials.
  • Social Security: Fiscal integrity must be returned to trust funds such as Social Securit, medicare, government retirements and all programs dealing with future obligations to individual citizens.
  • Tax Policy: Taxes collected need to pay for the nation's bills. The tax system should be simple and fair, also paperless where possible. Tax adjustments shopuld be made to the benefit of the citizens when deemed fiscally responsible and not be used as an election ploy
  • Trade Issues: Key industries have experienced job losses. I woulld advocate fair trade, not free corporate profiteering, which allows our enhtities to move to low cost labor areas. Economic prosperity for future generations will require trade reform, which will include revisiting the NAFTA and GATT policies to insure these are in the best interests of the United States.
  • Notes: A more complete bio is in my website: www.GeorgeD.Weber.com I was born in 1925, had college interrupted by service in the US Marine Corps Pacific WWII, then began farming upon return. Married to Roberta Harrison in 1947 and have 6 grown children and 4 grandchildren with 1 on the way.

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    Times accessed in 1999: