Michael S. Levinson, Republican

Michael Levinson Website

    All information provided by the candidate.
  • Abortion issues: Those who cry out the loudest against abortion - they are the ones who were aborted in a previous life and the experience is stamped in their characters. They look like zombies marching up and down in front of the abortion clinics.
    As president, I will set up a call center, 1-800-lovekid, in the White House. We will advertise 1-800-lovekid so that a pregnant girl can get counseling on what her options are. We will vigourously promote life, including a national data base of adoptive parents. But we will just as much protect the rights of an underage girl, and facilitate a speedy abortion when the potential mother insists she can't or won't bear the child.
    God is the one who decides who gets pregnant and which souls are aborted. Who can say the soul of an unborn was not a guard at Auschwitz that God has determined to abort a thousand times, over and over. When a woman cries out, "I can't bear this child," that's God moving through her. Her rights should be respected asnd protected. We aren't overturning Roe v. Wade!
  • Affirmative action: Affirmative Action was / is a great transitional program. But it is only a warm button issue when times are good and jobs in every field are a plenty, as jobs today are going begging in every field. We need to build ten thousand clipper ships, wherever there is water and people need work, to carry our cargoes all over the world.
    College students will pay lessor tuition to co-ed man the ships, while getting their undergrad education. So the ships won't cost to operate, and they will pay for their building carrying cargo. We can live with a tarriff free world trade environment, as long as the goods we import, (other than heavy machinery, like cars), come to this country on american flag ships.
    The clipper ship building program will affirmatively create millions of unskilled, leading to on the job semi-skilled and skilled labor training. Furthermore, some of the seed money can come equally from university endowments because whole fleets of these undergrad ships will be tied to universities. That's affirmative action, creating millions of meaningful jobs for people in the underclass who are unemployed and slipped through ther cracks.
  • Campaign finance:: The internet does flatten the political playing field, as it potentially will provide a full check and balance to the corruptive influence of money in all our political campaigns. There are 70 million email addresses in cyberspace. It should be the role of independent political information purveyors like SelectSmart.com, and / or Project Vote-Smart to contact all the ISP's to arrange an email forward to the ISP's clients of email certified (by SelectSmart) as having been written by the candidate.
    This is a privelege that mirrors broadcast law, and the internet industry should grant to any bona fide candidate for president - this "bulk" forwarding of all correspondence by the candidates. Reaching 70 million people, for free, with your campaign message, as though you were standing on a street corner, passing out your literature, does level the political field because a legally qualified citizen can stand for public office, and through their website, conduct a credible meaningfull, successful campaign without asking any special in tryst or group for financial support.
    Better people will come forward to stand for all our public offices. Free email is really free because it doesn't cost the sender, the recipient, or any of the server computers between even a thinred dime!!!
  • Crime: As president, I will separate the really violent in our prisons from the non-violent prison population and ship these violent people that cannot live with the rest of us to forty square miles of Arizona / New Mexico desert. The 40 miles will be surrounded by a trench 40x40 feet wide and deep, with sharp shooters set back from the perimeter.
    We will provide water to drink, flour to bake bread on the rocks, solar units to recharge batteries and a light bulb, maybe some primitive military style barracks and that's all. Let them have their freedom there, and live on what their relatives send, beyond the flour and water we provide. Let them kill each other. What a deterrent for someone contemplating a life of crime.
    I will also build a gallows on the front lawn of the White House and call for a public all channels public TV hanging, especially of a teenager who willfully commits murder.
  • Defense spending: John McCain is my choice for Secretary of Defense. We need real reform in how we procure weapons, and what we are purchasing. The president is the one to establish military policy, and strategy. McCain is the one who won't take any guff from the Joint Chiefs as Secretary of Defense so we will accomplish a sensible modernization of our armed forces, with more money, in the form of income tax relief and higher wages going to the troops.
  • Drug policy: My first day in office I will sign Executive Orders that will make the growing of industrial hemp legal and necessary, as all paper used by the federal government, and all clothing procured by the military will have to be manufactured from industrial hemp grown by american farmers, acording to my 1st Executive Order.
    The use of canabis / hemp for medicinal purposes shall be legal. The recreational use of marijuana will also be defederalized and the Holland solution promoted. It shall be up to individual communities to prohibit or allow the opening of coffee and smoke shops where people can come to purchase and smoke marijuana.
    The key to ending drug abuse is education. As president I will make films of interviews and scenes with people before, during, and after their drug abuse sessions, and show these films to third and forth grade kids so they see what these drugs do to the people who use them. That will demystify the drugs, which is only a first step.
  • Homosexual issues: People are entitled to their own life, liberty, privacy, and pursuit of happiness. People have the right to be who they are, as long as they aren't harming other people. These rights should be protected, which I am sworn to do, upon taking the oath of office.
  • Education money: We want to use the internet to return to the concept of the "one room school house." We need to identify the best teachers with the best ;esson plans to teach over digital cable and / or the internet.
  • Environment: White pine trees with blister rust should be cut down. When the wind blows, it can spread the fungus to other white pine trees as far away as fifty miles. It may surprise many of our environmentalist friends to learn that trees are killed by diseases.
    The burden of the teaching is in the hands of our best teachers, live on the tv, so the poorest are with the best. The actual teacher in the room is on-the-spot supervisor and helper for the slower kids with extra assignments for the smarter ones, and all the 'check and balance' internal bureaucracy of principals and assistants is left at the crumbling school house.
  • Environment: By executive order it will be legal to grow industrial hemp and fifty million acres planted will be good for the environment. As president, I will promote the hybrid deisel electric that runs on bio deisel. The 'bio' will be hemp oil, sold at the supermarket, instead of iol or any petroleum product.
  • Evolution: I am the author of The Book ov Lev (subtitled) It A Kiss. In this work of art man is described as being a direct decendent of the whales that swam in the sea, came on land, and then went back to sea. Our DNA is closer to the sperm whale than any other creature on the good ship mother earth. New word order and improved mythology.
  • Foreign policy: Thomas L. Friedman is my first choice for secretary of state. Bill Bradley is my 2nd choice. My policy is to get the world's governments to officially tune into my world wide dusk until dawn all peoples peace poem.
  • Gun control: The manufacture, importation, and sale of all hand guns shall be illegal after a certain date.
  • Health care: Regardless the program or proposed plan, at some point in time, some one sick needs medical care. Here is my program to get care for 5 million uninsured kids living in poverty, which is a step toward health care for all. Dr's who treat these uninsured poor get half of their treatment cost off their gross income, and the other half off their bottom line income tax obligation.
    Medical Dr.'s paying 50 grand in income tax could end up paying ten grand, or zero, but millions of kids will be seen by a doctor and treated!!
  • Moral issues: I am going to have my own TV show, "Live At The White House," an after dinner united family talk show. During my mono-log I will raise moral issues, especially when the issue is the congress' failure to pass legislation that benefits everybody.
  • Social security: People should not be penalized for working while they are collecting Social Security. All of the penalties are regressive and promote the underground economy. Just doing that will enrich the system.
  • Tax policy: The best approach to lowering taxwes is to start with the extraneous, like the sales tax on having cable tv. TV, and cable are tools for the first amendment, freedom of speech, so these taxes should be eliminated. Steve Forbes is my choice for treasurer.
  • Trade issues: When all that we import and export comes and goes on our own ships, like the ten thousand clipper ships mentioned above, the the trading is always a plus for us.
  • Notes: I was born November 13, 1941. I burped when the Japanese attacked Pearl harbor and began the 2nd World War. I announced, when I was four years old, that it was ok for me to doodle in an Abraham Lincoln book because some day I was going to be the president. I have lived my life with that idea in mind.
    ~~ Michael Stephen Levinson Email mlevins1@tampabay.rr.com

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