Rich Casebolt

Rich Casebolt Website

    All information provided by the candidate.
  • Abortion issues: "The right to live must be protected for every individual, unless the presence of that individual is a clear and present danger to the LIFE of others. The taking of ANY human life by another must not be allowed except under this circumstance, which includes self-defense, acts of war, and (in some cases) the death penalty." Advocates making abortion illegal except when there is a clear and present danger to the life of the mother, through a Human Life Amendment to the Constitution -- and calls for support from the public and private sectors for those with an unplanned pregnancy that is causing them hardship. As intermediate steps, this candidate advocates an immediate ban on partial-birth abortion, supports parental-notification laws and the ban on federal funding of abortions, would work to repeal dissent-suppression measures like the Freedom of Access to Clinics Act, and to exempt political-activist groups from racketeering (RICO) laws.
  • Affirmative action: "Wherever an individual has been held back by active discrimination, our society and that individual must work together to bring him/her up to the level he/she would have attained without discrimination. The 'affirmative action' we provide must not dumb-down standards in education or business, or set quotas based upon race -- it must enable, and is dependent upon, the individual taking charge of his own future, to bring himself up to the highest standards he can attain by using the remediation opportunities we provide. My interest is in more than just providing 'access' -- it is in people reaching their full potential."
  • Campaign finance: "Here is a prime example of using the WRONG level of government to solve a problem. Safe and effective campaign finance reform cannot be legislated -- it must come directly from the people! The rich4prez campaign is our chance to deliver REAL campaign finance reform, by replacing money with people!" Opposes existing campaign finance reform legislation as enhancing the power of incumbents and media, while stifling other participants. Opposes ANY regulation of issue ads. Supports the complete and swift disclosure of all campaign funding.-- however, this candidate holds the view that the only way we will achieve real reform is for ordinary people to get informed, get involved, and actively support the candidates who do not use big bucks to abuse our sensibilities.
  • Crime: Emphasizes the enforcement of law at the proper level of government, instead of expanding the federal role by bringing more offenses under federal jurisdiction. Advocates "zero tolerance" policy of sure justice for all crimes, big or small -- as well as reviewing laws to see that inadvertent offenses of complicated laws do not result in ordinary citizens being treated as common criminals. Advocates the use of alternatives to prison, and an emphasis on the acceptance of personal responsibility by offenders.
  • Defense spending: "The most important military support task is to take care of those who serve. We must compensate the members of our armed forces sufficiently, so that they do not have to worry about the welfare of themselves and their loved ones. People must come before hardware -- the existence of 25,000 soldiers on food stamps while we buy extra C-130's or other hardware WILL NOT HAPPEN ON MY WATCH! Just as important, we must pay attention to the details of maintaining our defense, and not just concentrate on the 'big ticket' items like we have in the recent past. Attention and funding for improved logistics, basic weapons, training, maintenance, and the "other" unsung areas of our defense establishment is ESSENTIAL to realize the full effects of technology on the battlefield. It is the infantry "grunt" that, in nearly all cases, is the keystone in the arch of victory -- he deserves just as much support in his mission as the high-tech sailors and airmen who seem to get all the photo ops." This candidate also supports the development and deployment of a cost-effective ballistic missile defense system.
  • Drug policy: Believes that it is morally wrong to be "Endangering ourselves and others by using drugs (of any form, including alcohol) to enter altered states of consciousness." Vigorously opposes legalization of marijuana or other recreational drugs; considers "medical marijuana" and promotion of hemp usage to be smoke screens for an effort to legalize drugs for recreational use.
  • Homosexual issues: Emphasizes that homosexuals are entitled to the same basic rights as we all are -- and that their rights do need protection. However, this candidate does NOT advocate the granting of "rights" that are simply a means to suppress legitimate criticism of the homosexual lifestyle, such as the alleged protection of "hate crimes" laws. Opposes homosexuals (and women) in combat roles, as detrimental to combat readiness, while stating that a homosexual has a right to run for President and even become Commander in Chief if the people so will. Believes that homosexuals should have the same opportunities for employment as anyone else -- but also believes that this position should be enforced only at the private level. Opposes the practice of forcing people against their conscience to rent or sell housing to homosexuals. Opposes homosexual "marriage".
  • Education money: Emphasizes the need to get the Federal government out of education, which is seen as a function for the state and local levels of government. Advocates the orderly shutdown of the Department of Education, with proportional tax reduction to allow those lower levels to raise the funding for their new responsibilities. Advocates "school choice" through vouchers, charter schools, or any other effective means, hand in hand with the involvement of "millions of concerned people, especially parents" in the operation of our many schools.
  • Environment: "Humanity and its developments are part of nature, and not inherently the enemies of nature. Our focus as a people must not be to 'preserve nature' to the detriment of humanity -- nor should we 'poop in our own nest' by running roughshod over nature. We need to act to advance our best long-term interests as a people, instead of insisting on either preservation or development" Advocates response to environmental problems by the proper level of government for the specific problem, based on sound science instead of "parts-per-billion probabilities", with an accurate assessment of all the costs involved before the decision is made. Advocates compensation for those who "lose by obeying the law", such as farmers who lose land to wetlands-preservation efforts.
  • Evolution: Firmly believes in the Creation as the origin of man -- but believes that it should be taught as theory, along with evolution (until the time that becomes discredited). Believes that the overriding educational principle in the teaching of origins should be " . . . to state fact as fact, theory as theory, opinion as opinion, and faith as faith -- and dismiss political/social/ecclesiastical 'correctness' as irrelevant."
  • Foreign policy: Emphasizes the maintenance of national soverignty as an imperative. Advocates cooperation with other nations and the UN, but opposes any subordination of American soverignty in doing so. Opposes isolationism; believes that we must be engaged in world affairs so that our interests (particularly national security) are protected, without imposing a "Pax Americana". Sees the USA as an example of prosperity, influence and power that should be emulated by other nations. Advocates a new "Legal Eagles" foreign aid program that sends teams out to assist other governments in implementing the American combination of representative democracy and absolute protection of personal rights.
  • Gun control: Believes that "you have the RIGHT to bear arms" and "you have the RESPONSIBILITY to bear arms safely." Advocates limited state -- NOT federal -- regulation of firearms ownership, with the federal government limited to enforcement of the Second Amendment, as a check and balance against the states' regulatory powers. Advocates sharing of registrants' information between states -- but opposes federal databases or other concentrations of power at the federal level. Advocates mandatory training programs, as well as concealed-carry laws. Opposes present practice of bringing lawsuits against gun industry as "economic gun control" that tramples on our rights.
  • Health care: Opposes any form of government-run health care system; also opposes any health care "Bill of Rights" legislation that would result in increased litigation. States that managed care, though imperfect, is the best system we presently have to balance quality, access, and cost of care. Advocates funding of health care for less fortunate through charitable efforts at the private level.
  • Moral issues: A firm believer in freedom of conscience, but opposes moral relativism; does not believe " . . . that individuals have the right to DEFINE what is right and what is wrong"; instead, individuals, for themselves ". . . must DETERMINE what is really right and what is really wrong, based on an objective view of the world around us." Believes that there are moral absolutes that transcend religion; will shape policies based upon these absolutes, and encourage others to adopt them -- believes that to ignore these absolutes places everyone at risk. (See the website for examples of these absolutes). Promotes increased respect for those people with a spiritual perspective in our public institutions (particularly schools), while opposing the imposition of any system of belief (even humanism) on anyone through those institutions. Also believes that many moral issues should be resolved through the direct action of the people involved, with minimal or no government involvement.
  • Social security: Proposes maintaining present system -- with changes to assure fiscal soundness -- for all retirees and potential retirees older than himself. Opposes any use of Social Security funds to cover deficits in the national budget. For potential retirees his age or below, proposes new system where the government provides the funds (from the proposed national sales tax, not a FICA tax) for individual retirement investment accounts, where the individual can choose from a wide range of investments (including stocks and bonds) that meet government criteria for soundness and risk.
  • Tax policy: Advocates replacing the income, Social Security, and Medicare taxes with the "Fair Tax" national sales tax proposed by Americans for Fair Taxation. Also advocates "Truth In Taxation" policy that would require the federal government to cut taxes proportionally as programs are shifted to state, local, and private levels, so that "the level of government that spends the money has to get the money from the people." by directly implementing funding at that level. Opposes present system of your Federal tax dollars trickling down to state and local groups through grants as inefficient and susceptible to political maneuvering.
  • Trade issues: Advocates free and open trade with all nations, except in rare cases with nations that abuse their people, or significantly abuse the environment -- believes that free trade leads to more freedom and improved conditions in even repressive regimes. Advocates minimal regulatory burdens on business, so that Americans are free to "work smarter, not harder" and maintain their high productivity. Opposes protectionist actions, on the grounds that they do more harm (by reducing our purchasing power and other nations' opportunities) than good for America and the rest of the world. Supports NAFTA and similar agreements, but opposes GATT/WTO as an excessive concentration of political power.
  • Notes: Rich Casebolt is an ordinary middle-class citizen who believes that "the primary aim of government is to establish and maintain the framework of society, so that each individual is enabled to realize their maximum potential, based on their own talents, desires, and discipline." He is running an independent, low-budget, grass-roots (or as he calls it, "samizdat") campaign, that intends to "replace money with people" by engaging ordinary people in the active support of his campaign. He believes "that the time has come for government to work WITH the people, not just 'FOR' the people!" -- and sees this campaign as the first step in a movement of "people power" that will no longer look to the federal government as the sole source of solutions for our problems, but will instead engage "250 million problem-solvers" to deliver the real solutions.

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    Times accessed in 1999: