Joe Bellis, nominee of America's Party

Joe Bellis Website

    All information provided by the candidate.
  • Abortion issues: Strong pro-life, opposes any government support or approval of abortion, supports right to life amendment
  • Affirmative action: Strongly opposes all forms of affirmative action
  • Campaign finance: Supports reform to campaign finance regulations. Proposes unlimited contributions with prompt reporting by any individual eligible to vote. Proposes ban on all contributions from corporation, advocacy groups, unions and political parties.
  • Crime: Strongly supports punishment for crime at the state and local levels. Involvement at the federal level should be limited to crimes against the nation.
  • Defense spending: Strongly support increase in spending for defense, including modernization of equipment and payment of the fair wage to members of our armed forces.
  • Drug policy: Strong Support legislation to stop the flow of illegal drugs into the United States. Support the right of states and localities to restrict access to drugs and enforce such restrictions.
  • Homosexual issues: Strongly oppose any legislation regarding equal rights based on sexual preference. Strongly oppose gay or lesbian marriage.
  • Education money: The federal givernment has no constitutional obligation to be involved in the education of our children. Strongly support education administered and fund at the local and state level.
  • Environment: I support efforts to preserve the enviroment and reduce pulltion. However, I reject the notion that this objective is the responsibility of the federal government. I storngly support return of all federal lands and resources to the states and to the people.
  • Evolution: Strongly believe that this is not an issue to dealt with at the federal level.
  • Foreign policy: The only constitutional purpose of foreign policy ois to serve the best nations of our nation. We are not the world's policeman. Strongly support withdrawl from IMF, NATO, UN and WTO.
  • Gun control: Strongly support the constitutional right to bear arms. The right to bear arms is inherrent in the right of self-defense, defense of family and defense against tyranny. I uphold the right of the law abiding citizen to keep and bear arms. I oppose any attempt to prohibit the ownership of guns by law-abiding citizens.
  • Health care: HealthCare is another issue outside of the control of the federal govenment. Storngly oppose any attempt to involve the federal government in healh care. Health care insurance is a choice not a right.
  • Moral issues: Our nation has skipped into an abyss of moral decay. The interference of the federal goivernment in every area of each Americans life has led to this situation. The only solution is to return the federal government to it's constitutional basis. Freedom will breed morality.
  • Social security: Strongly support the idea behind the social security program. Social security is a promise made by the government and a debt owed to it's senior citizens. I storngly support the opinion that the Social Security Trust fund be removed from the control of the treasury and the congress. The trust must not be a rainy day fund to be exploited on every whim.Strongly support the citizens right to opt out of the program without penalty.
  • Tax policy: Strongly support repeal of the 16th amendment, elimination of the current tax code and elimination of the IRS. Strongly support the return to the constitutional means of supporting the government and its expenditures.
  • Trade issues: The Constitution give the Congress the power to regulate commerce with foreing nations. Congress may not abdicate or transfer these obligations. I strongly support abilition of the Office of the Special Trade Representative, withdrawl from the NAFTA, GATT and the WTO.
  • Notes: I am just an American, not wealthy, not connected and not owing to anyone. I have not been a politician, washington insider or a special interest. I am not have experienced in violated your freedoms and taking your money. I want to see our nation restored to its prior greatness. See also http:/

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