This quiz tests Scrued Character Selector Lily Comics Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Comics IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Scrued Character Selector by Melissa Jewell.
Test your knowledge of:

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you come off as a kind, good natured person (yes) or an obnoxious jerk (no)?
True False

Is swearing the basis of your vocabulary?
True False

Can you shamelessly mooch off of other people? Give your self a high ranking if you feel no obligation to pay it back, or take the "borrowing without asking" approach.
True False

Do you enjoy fighting and violence?
True False

When someone pisses you off, do you go out of your way to utterly destroy them?
True False

Are people afraid of you, and does that make your day?
True False

Do you consider yourself to be loyal to the people you care about?
True False

Do you consider yourself to be a beautiful person?
True False

Which side of the pier are you fishing from? The heterosexual side (Yes); the Homosexual Side (No); Both sides, baby! (Not Sure)
True False

Do you often leave other people to fight your battles?
True False

Have people ever told you that you are arrogant?
True False

Are you a hot headed person?
True False

If you were going on Survivor, would you take a portable game system as your luxory item?
True False

...Would you decline going on the show, in fear that you'd run out of batteries and be video game less?
True False

Do you prefer to show little emotion to the general population (yes) or are you an open book (no)?
True False

Are you atheletic?
True False

Do you think there's nothing wrong with casual sex?
True False

Do you actually have some sort of socially acceptable morality code?
True False

Would you help other people, because its the right thing to do?
True False

Do you think that a world without pain and suffering would be without value? That true happiness can only come from suffering?
True False

Would you rather be an assistant, than a leader?
True False

Do you admire someone greatly? (Answer no if you're thinking "myself".)
True False

Would you offer advice to someone if you weren't sure that they really wanted it?
True False

Are you naive (yes), or would you be the one taking advantage of people (no)?
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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