This quiz tests CLAMP Guy for you! Sorata Arisugawa - X Anime Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Anime IQ Quiz is based upon the selector CLAMP Guy for you! by Shinigami15.
Test your knowledge of:
Sorata Arisugawa - X

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you female(yes) or male(no)?
True False

Are you a really nice person? The kind that will give you a toothache?
True False

Are you into magic and sorcery and other such stuff?
True False

Does eating appeal to you and is high on your priority list?
True False

Can someone rely on you to be a good friend a/or lover?
True False

Have you, or did you, ever have a crush on someone that you know likes you but doesn't want to be with you?
True False

Would you take the blame for a friend?
True False

Are you an honest person that would only lie to save someone's butt?
True False

You aren't shy, are you?
True False

If you are made fun of what do you do? Take revenge(yes) or walk away(no) or both(either)?
True False

Do your looks and others' looks matter to you?
True False

Would you ever love someone that tried to kill you, or one of your family members, or friends?
True False

Do you hold grudges against someone for a really long time?
True False

Are you athletic? (karate, and fencing dooooo count) ^-^
True False

Be honest, do your friends have dorky nicknames for you like Super Kay, and Snow Bunny?
True False

Have you ever felt strange presences from certain places?
True False

Can you wave around your hands and have a star suddenly appear and shoot out cards that turn into birds? *grins*
True False

How would you handle a death of a friend, family member, or lover? Angst over it the rest of you life(Yes) Get over it(no) or kill yourself to be with that person(either)
True False

Do the words: I am canned maceral in the school play. make any sense at all?
True False

Can you be happy living with a person that has tried to kill the human race as we know it?
True False

Could living with a deep dark secret effect you physically and mentally?
True False

Would you be able to live knowing that you are not really who everyone thinks you are and that your fake form was never born?
True False

Does the person who loves you have to be completely loyal to you?
True False

Do you have to be the boss of everything? o.O
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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