This quiz tests Which strange student are you? It's a JC -- Damn, it's Apollo! YOU ARE Apollo! *dramatic music* Weird Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Weird IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Which strange student are you? by Lisa Pizza.
Test your knowledge of:
It's a JC -- Damn, it's Apollo! YOU ARE Apollo! *dramatic music*

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Are you female?
True False

Would you willingly dance around with a flag.
True False

Are you a bad singer? A bad singer who likes to sing? OFTEN?
True False

Are other frenching in public while your friends are around ok? Specifically, your friends, when everyone's in a convo? (If it's just sorta awkward, check no)
True False

Your relationships tend to be with few people, and they last a long time.
True False

At least one of my exs is suspected to be gay/lesbian, or IS gay/lesbian. (If you aren't straight, replace gay/lesbian with straight)
True False

People have suspected me to be gay/lesbian when I'm not.
True False

Swearing in large you do it on a regular basis?
True False

Do you mind if other people swear?
True False

Are you extremely clumsy?
True False

Are you blonde?
True False

Are you tall?
True False

Are you short?
True False

Are you pale/burn easily?
True False

Are you a section leader in band?
True False

Would you consider yourself a good dancer?
True False

Dr. Pepper and Chewy Spree. Are these two things...PAINFUL?!! DID YOU feeeeel the pain?!
True False

Remember the time we ate that extremely expensive Italian lunch?
True False

Have you been accused of looking like a chemistry teacher?
True False

Have you ever run into a post that was about as high as your stomach? Baka.
True False

Enjoy violent computer games/video games?
True False

TFA.....brings back painful memories? (And you are not Dan.)
True False

Ever been called a Ho-bag?
True False

Have you or do you work at the movies? You nut!!
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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