This quiz tests Wiccan Degree Selector First Degree Equivalent - Congratulations! Your answers show you to have a level of knowledge and personal development equivalent to that of First Degree Initiation. You can truly consider yourself a Witch! May the Goddess Bless you're continuing studies as you grow in her Light. Remember though, if you are Solitary, you have no need of outside justification of your Path, this comes from yourself and your own interaction with your Deities! Religion Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Religion IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Wiccan Degree Selector by Silver Dove.
Test your knowledge of:
First Degree Equivalent - Congratulations! Your answers show you to have a level of knowledge and personal development equivalent to that of First Degree Initiation. You can truly consider yourself a Witch! May the Goddess Bless you're continuing studies as you grow in her Light. Remember though, if you are Solitary, you have no need of outside justification of your Path, this comes from yourself and your own interaction with your Deities!

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

Do you agree Wiccans should be out of the Broom Closet to all that know you?
True False

Do you believe it's possible to immediately recognise other Pagans when you meet them?
True False

Do you agree to be Wiccan you must perform a Self Dedication or have been Initiated into a Coven / Tradition?
True False

Do you believe as Pagans we should attend meetings with other Pagan /Wiccans?
True False

I know more than 10 other Pagans in the Mundane world/reality (Do not include those you've only met via the net, only those that you've met with face to face)
True False

I know the Correspondances of my Tools? (What they are meant to represent, their gender orienation, how they may be used, etc)
True False

Tools are a neccessity for all that wish to practice Wicca!
True False

Taking and completing lessons or formal training is a neccessary part of being a Wiccan.
True False

Being asked to teach someone else in the Ways of the Wicca is an honour I'd rather not face as yet.
True False

Helping to teach others to First Degree level would be something I'd enjoy.
True False

Teaching others to First Degree Level myself is something I've done many times.
True False

Reading the works of many different Pagan Authors is something I'm still working at!
True False

All forms of Divination are easily available for my use, with a little more learning!
True False

All those killed during what is now known as 'the Burning Times' were Pagans and/or Witches.
True False

I am able to Astral Travel at will
True False

I have first hand experience of communing with my SpiritGuides
True False

I have personal knowledge of my Deities (I have met/interracted with them via Astral Travel/ Dreams)
True False

I have intimate knowledge of the Sabbats, being able to list their dates, alternative names and their symbolism without reference to my Book of Shadows
True False

I could easily list 10 Crystals and their correspondances
True False

To move upwards on the Initiate Degree scale takes more than just learning of a syllabus, and that there also must be attendant growth of the psyche aswell
True False

I put into daily practice the skills I've learnt as a Wiccan
True False

I have written about Paganism (Other than for your own Book of Shadows)
True False

I have had my Pagan writings published (Other than on your own website)
True False

I use my counselling skills in a way not related to my Pagan practices
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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