This quiz tests What Kind of Raver Are You? Candy Raver Dance Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Dance IQ Quiz is based upon the selector What Kind of Raver Are You? by Amanda - Alex - Bambi.
Test your knowledge of:
Candy Raver

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

When people refer to you, they use the terms "raver" or "club kid."
True False

Your posture includes one shoulder being higher than the other, and your neck leaning towards the higher shoulder.
True False

You can name almost every song that is played.
True False

You can list at least three different types of techno music.
True False

You own glowsticks or photon lights.
True False

When you walk in the door, everyone stops to say 'hi' because they all know you.
True False

Your everyday attire includes more than one of the following: baggy pants, glitter, a Caffiene shirt, candy bracelets, a pacifier on a string.
True False

You go to raves to dance, not to roll.
True False

You find that people are constantly giving you light shows.
True False

You sit more often than you actually dance.
True False

You see people from the raves and they actually recognize you in the different environment.
True False

You know how to spin (in regards to music).
True False

You found out about the rave through your extensive connections rather than from a public posting.
True False

Your parents don't know you rave, or they don't know what a rave is.
True False

You have several friends constantly telling you how dangerous raves are, and they have never been to one.
True False

You know what PLUR stands for, and you follow it.
True False

You have a supply of beaded bracelets that you made, and you don't mind giving them to people you just met.
True False

When the rave is over, you have 20 new friends.
True False

A rave is not complete without strobes and black lights.
True False

You hate it when people aren't dancing.
True False

You frequent night clubs to dance or socialize, even during the week.
True False

You know all the security people by name, and you are all friends.
True False

You tend to get the munchies after raves, or your jaw hurts the next day.
True False

You feel self-conscious about your dance moves.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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