This quiz tests Psychology selector Behavior therapy Health Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Health IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Psychology selector by Michael Cohn.
Test your knowledge of:
Behavior therapy

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

I like things to be scientifically proven and empirically based.
True False

I like things to be dramatic and story-like.
True False

I want to get help from someone who's basically like me.
True False

My therapist should be highly trained and specialized.
True False

I just want a pill that will make my problems go away.
True False

I'm more interested in day-to-day coping than deep personal exploration.
True False

A trusting relationship with the person who's helping me is very important.
True False

An open, friendly relationship with the person who's helping me is very important.
True False

I want structure.
True False

I like the idea of "homework" (practicing techniques outside the therapy session).
True False

Therapy should address my spiritual side.
True False

My problems are disabling or have lasted for years.
True False

I am likely to physically harm myself or someone else.
True False

I should be able to set my own goals for therapy.
True False

Many of my problems affect or are caused by people who are close to me.
True False

I want to delve into my past, not just look at the here-and-now.
True False

I'm interested in unconscious, hidden motivations rather than obvious ones.
True False

My technique should be inexpensive and/or covered by insurance.
True False

I would like a therapy that goes on for a long time and becomes part of my life.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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