This quiz tests Oddly Named Character Selector Pacor Blueblood Recreation Knowledge Quizzes, Trivia, IQ Tests
This Recreation IQ Quiz is based upon the selector Oddly Named Character Selector by Charbile Villain.
Test your knowledge of:
Pacor Blueblood

Show what you know by answering true or false to the following. Answer ''false'' if neither applies or if you're not sure. Your score will be calculated on the next page.

Your first question is below.

You are a hero.
True False

You are a villain.
True False

Quests are for fools.
True False

You are imperfect and always will be.
True False

You are able to distinguish between right and wrong.
True False

You obey laws, rules, customs. You like your society and believe in its tradition.
True False

You are highly anti-social.
True False

You have an inherit ability to lead people and are charismatic.
True False

You have a cunning, sly, and somewhat deceptive nature.
True False

You look for the worse in everything; plans are based on a worst case scenerio.
True False

You would rather be a fighter than a magic user.
True False

A strong defense is better than agility.
True False

Others tend to show great interest in you.
True False

The majority of people are intelligent.
True False

Evil is a deceptive likeliness or misunderstood version of good.
True False

A sense of the future is always in your mind.
True False

The past is unimportant; yesterday's answers have little to do with today's questions.
True False

Emotion is for the weak.
True False

You are kind-hearted, pleasant, and good-natured.
True False

Spring is the best season.
True False

Summer is the best season.
True False

Fall is the best season.
True False

Winter is the best season.
True False

The meaning to life is whatever you make it to be.
True False

Now that you have answered all the questions, continue to the Show Me My Score button below.

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